
FREE Printable Weekly Grocery List

I subscribe to the Real Simple magazine. It's always full to great tips and tricks to make life easier and simpler. (If you don't subscribe I would highly recommend getting on their email list. It comes about once a week and has pretty much the same stuff the magazine does.) 

My favorite feature from a couple of months ago was the grocery list they included. They have it free to print on their website, and I print off one for each week. I use it while shopping, and love it because I can easily see what I need from each area of the store. I then tape it to our fridge and then can see my menu for the week (along with the list of fresh ingredients I bought for each recipe so they don't get lost or forgotten in the fridge). I love the graphics on it, and being this organized makes me actually look forward to grocery shopping. Imagine that!

Click here to print your own from Real Simple.

**Sorry guys, at first the link didn't work but I fixed it!**

1 comment:

Lauren said...

this is the page the link takes me to :)
