

Today, Husband insisted we go sledding. I don't care for sledding...I find it wet, cold, and too fast. But this hill wasn't too steep, and seemed to be a real treasure among the kids that were there. Tyler was the only person sledding above the age of 8 or 9! Oh, how I love him. :)
Here's the studmuffin going down the hill...

...and up the hill:

It was slippery, but luckily not too cold. I actually took off my coat and sat on it for most of the time, just wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt. I guess once you've suffered through the 5-degree weather we've had the past month, 31-degrees ain't bad!


The Boring Family said...

Tyler, you'll have to come out and visit us! We got way more snow and have an awesome hill! Plus, Alex could even take pictures of you sledding from inside our house! How perfect!

Linze Kate said...

SO fun! I love you guys! Haha...