
A little update on the Jones Family

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted! Finals hit me, pregnancy hit me, work hit me, pregnancy hit me again, and moving hit me. It's all been such a rush lately, but hopefully once we're all moved this weekend life will slow down.

My sister Mackenzie came to Provo to visit us this past weekend, and brought along her two little girls. They were so much fun, but exhausting! (What have Tyler and I gotten ourselves into?!) We spent a lot of the weekend with my other sister Courtney and her family too. We all went to Thanksgiving Point (Tyler and I have never been) and checked out their baby animal birthday party. Quite an adventure! I'd say the highlight of the day was seeing a ten-minute old horse (!!) with its mother. He was just trying to stand up for the first time. (It was all so fresh that the placenta was still in the hay! Now there's real life for ya!) Tyler and I actually enjoyed all of the activities. I'll post pictures soon, I promise. After we move. :)

Work has been busy as well. Tyler will soon move buildings (from the JKB to the ITB, if that means much to anyone) and I will soon start on printing concessions signs for the football stadium for the fall. Luckily we are both able to work full-time, and I am slowly easing out of this whole pregnancy sickness. I've decided it's at least letting up a little bit—I feel fine for two days, and then I throw up for two days. Apparently Sunday and today I didn't look so great though...on Sunday, we saw Tyler's grandparents (love them!), and the first thing that popped out of Grandma's mouth was "Honey, you are you feeling all right? You look pretty pale." And my boss mentioned my pasty skin today as well, and asked me if I needed to go home and take a break. Haha. My mom constantly reminds me to wear blush and lipstick because I am so pasty, but it's been so difficult when you don't feel well. That's really the least of my worries.

So we have our second doctor's appointment on Friday, which we are excited about. I'm sure she won't do much but take my blood pressure and ask how I'm feeling. And maybe check the baby's heartbeat with a doppler. (That was really exciting last time! It's a good feeling to know that something—someone—is in there, and everything isn't all in my head.)

Well, we're off to bed. I need much more rest than I actually get (and I'm sure it won't get any easier...) We had tons of fun with our nieces and nephew this weekend and their parents, so thank you! Next step: finding a place to live for the fall (as we are currently looking at being homeless with a baby).

P.S. A few of you have asked what the final name for the poster was. I decided on Animalphabet. (Haha, get it?) Thanks for all of your hard work! My poster will be available for purchase on etsy this next week. :)

1 comment:

Holland Hettinger said...

Hey Alie! Congrats on pregnancy! I hope everything goes well. Much love and many prayers!