

Today we (as in Mom, Dad, Logan, and I...but unfortunately not Tyler because he is working) are all going to Disneyland. Except for the fact that Logan and Dad had to work so we won't be leaving until 2:30 or 3:00pm. Kind of a joke, really, but the tickets were free so I can't complain.

Because Tyler can't come along, we went to see Inception last night (at the good ol' Krikorian theater in Vista) to make up for it. It really adds to the whole movie-going experience to hear the Krikorian Theme Song and people rhythmically clapping along to it. (There's a specific spot in their theater promo that locals clap to, and it was great to see Tyler's grinning face when he heard it. I used to participate in high school - well, as a matter of fact our generation invented the clapping in the first place.)

Anyway. Inception was AMAZING. No wonder the reviews were so high! I honestly wasn't thrilled about going because I didn't have a clue what the movie was about - the previews are very confusing and don't tell you anything. But man it was so worth 2 1/2 hours of my time. Mind boggling. I must admit though that based on other people's comments about the movie I expected to be more confused and "lost" on the plot than I really was. It was the hardest movie I've ever had to sit through in my entire life because Jack was so dang active the entire time. Usually he's pretty active after 8 or 9pm, but last night was an entirely different story. I'm not kidding you - this kid didn't rest for more than ten seconds! Because of the loud sounds and my heart rate and whatnot, Jack was wiggling more than ever and that made it difficult to sit still and pay attention!

Bottom line: highly recommend Inception. Tyler and I will RARELY see a movie in the "real" theater (we go to the dollar theater), but this is an exception. I'd pay to go see it all over again. (But next time, perhaps earlier in the day so maybe Jack will sleep through it?)


Nikki said...

I LOVED Inception. Saw it twice in 3 days (once at the Krik, once in LA). I'm sooo happy people still do the Krik-clap! I told Alex about it and since we seem to go there every time we're in Vista, we always clap along. :D

Alicia said...

I can't believe Jack is big enough now to be wiggly. You should post belly shots again!