

While browsing Amazon's homepage, I spotted this loveseat. Lovely, no? And who knew you could buy a couch on Amazon?!

And while I'm on the subject, I have been thinking of making new pillows to add to our couch. I want to introduce more colors into this front room besides lime green. Does anyone love this pillow as much as I do? I bet I could find a knockoff version cheaper at TJ Maxx. ;)


Cameron said...

You can find anything on amazon! Once I found a sailboat for sale, but Kim told me I couldn't buy it.

bekki said...

That loveseat is beautiful! Speaking of finding anything on Amazon, did you know they sell caskets? As does Walmart. But my favorite thing is this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002G0QPEM/ref=s9_simh_gw_p236_d7_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-6&pf_rd_r=0J5JDTNSTNWQR45ES1C4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938731&pf_rd_i=507846

Alie said...

That is hilarious, Bekki! Thanks for sharing. This would be great to give to an eclectic grandma...if I had one.