

Though it's been all over the news and media, I haven't really felt the urge to talk much about my personal feelings about President Packer's talk at our church's annual General Conference. I thought instead I might share with you another blog that uplifted and made me grateful for the blessings I have in my life.

This man (anonymous to the world) isn't afraid to share his story. He has an entire blog dedicated to it, with thousands of readers. He is a worthy, temple-attending member of the church who has same-sex attraction. He's had it since he was twelve (read his bio), and because of it has struggled in the church ever since. I have so much respect for him. It can't be easy living a Mormon life with a secret like that. I'm sure he's afraid people will judge him—especially members of our church. (That makes me a little upset.)

But because of his struggles, he has been made a better person. He is positive and uplifting. I am grateful he is taking the time each day to share with the world his inner feelings and how he deals with what he is going through. Just because he struggles with this doesn't make him a bad person. Hopefully because of this, more people will be respectful of those with same-gender attraction. Our church may not believe it is right to act upon those feelings, but we still need to be respectful to those with other lifestyles and beliefs. After all, they are God's children, just like us.

Have a question about our church? We encourage you to visit the new mormon.org website. It's fantastic and will answer ANY questions you have about our beliefs and our values.


Courtney said...

Someone else shared that article with me this morning. I thought he offered a great perspective and brought up the point that President Packer was not attacking homosexuality- he was saying ALL acts of immorality are wrong- pornography, homosexuality, adultery...

Stephanie said...

So true. Here's an article from the church's newsroom that talks about the need to be respectful and loving of others. http://beta-newsroom.lds.org/article/church-mormon-responds-to-human-rights-campaign-petition-same-sex-attraction

Lauren said...

thanks for the post, allie! the fact that anyone (of our faith or not) might feel afraid that others will judge them for who they are attracted to makes me upset, and that they might be afraid of mormons judging them (and perhaps with good cause) makes me VERY upset. i hope the day comes very soon when all good people can present themselves truthfully without others making them feel like they should be ashamed.

i really like the statement stephanie linked. while i don't think it will change many feelings towards the LDS church, i do appreciate a fair telling of the church's position, and i hope both mormons and non-mormons take the time to understand it completely. plus, everyone can always use a reminder to LOVE MORE!

love you!